Keith Thompson

  • Mentor

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Dr. Thompson is a London based family physician and graduate of the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at Western University in 1987 – completing his CCFP in 1989 and awarded Fellowship Canadian College Family Practice in 2005.

He is Adjunct Community Based Faculty Research Eligible Clinical Professor with the Dept. Family Medicine. He is active in his solo practice serving ~2800 patients. He recently became interested in the innovation technologies relevant to primary care. Dr. Thompson would describe his encounters with innovations as an “experience that has rekindled his passion for family medicine and patient centered care.”

He was one of the initial Canadian Physicians hired to consult with the Teladoc/BestDoctors Canada start-up team in February of 2018. Dr. Thompson was CMO for iTelemed starting in 2017 and recently stepped into the role of CMO for Nuralogix Corporation as of November 2021.

He maintains an active networking relationship and advisory role with numerous health technology companies both startups and established corporations.

He is a current working Group member for IEEE SA telehealth IC,  member of Association for Corporate Growth Toronto Chapter,  member Digital Health Canada, member C.D. Howe Institute, and member of the Primary Care Western Ontario OHT.